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Your search for "%s" returned 348 results

How Email Works

Email gives us the ability to contact any person in the world in a matter of seconds. Find out how email works and how email servers deliver messages.

How Google Docs Works

Google Docs allows users to creat and edit work documents online. Learn more about Google Docs at HowStuffWorks.

How the Apple iMac Works

The iMac is often credited with bringing Apple back from the brink of disaster. What is it about the iMac that intrigues and enchants users? Find out.

How Utility Computing Works

Utility computing packages different computer resources and sells them based on the user's needs. Learn about utility computing and its pros and cons.

How Scanners Work

Before the digital camera explosion, flatbed scanners were the way to get images into a PC and online. These devices turn images on paper into data you can access on a computer. Find out how scanners analyze, process and transfer images.

How Netbooks Work

Netbooks are ultra-portable computers that are even smaller than traditional laptops. Learn all about the pros and cons of netbooks.

How VDSL Works

VDSL is the next step forward in high-speed broadband technology. Find out how VDSL achieves incredibly high speeds and compare VDSL to other DSL types.

How Fabric PCs Will Work

A Fabric PC won't be encased within a metal shell; however, it will be built into a tough but pliable fabric frame. Find out how Fabric PCs will work.

What's the difference between notebooks, netbooks and ultra-mobile PCs?

Notebooks vs. netbooks and ultra-mobile PCs come down to size and functionality. Learn about the differences in notebooks vs. other portable computers.

How Cloud Storage Works

Cloud storage involves storing data on multiple virtual servers that are generally hosted by third parties. Learn more about how cloud storage works.

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