Search Results | COMPUTER

Your search for "COMPUTER" returned 661 results

Computer Networking Pictures

These computer networking pictures show internet progression and some of the components involved. Check out this computer networking image gallery.

Is the desktop computer going the way of the dodo bird?

Will desktop computer exist in the future? Will netbooks, smartphones and tablets take over? Learn about desktop computers in the future.

How do I update the drivers on my computer?

How do I update the drivers on my computer? Keep reading to learn how to update the drivers on your computer.

10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time

What is the worst computer virus? Some did billions of dollars in damages and lost productivity. Read about the 10 worst computer viruses of all time.

What do you think computers will be like in 2050?

What will computers in 2050 look like, and how will they work? Give us your opinion on what you think computers will look like in 2050.

Computer Hardware Pictures

What computer hardware is inside your machine? Browse pictures of computer hardware components at HowStuffWorks.

Does powering down your computer wear it down?

Does powering down and restarting a computer really lead to wear and tear? Find out if powering down your computer will wear it out.

What was the first portable computer?

Back in the '70s, 'portable computer' had a very different meaning. Find out what was the first portable computer and the history behind it.

How do I future-proof my computer?

Wondering how you can future-proof your computer so it doesn't go out of date so quickly? See these tips to future-proof your computer.

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