How to Artfully Cull Your Facebook Friends List

By: Stephanie Crawford  | 

Blocking Users in Facebook

Sometimes removing a user from your Friends list in Facebook doesn't go far enough when you're trying to avoid contact with that person. This is especially true if you feel you're being harassed or bullied by a user. Or you might just want to hide from someone for a while. Block Lists can help you take this extra step.

You can block several things on Facebook: users, messages, app invites, apps, event invites and pages. For any users you block, Facebook does the following:


  • Removes the user from your Friends list (if applicable)
  • Prevents you and that user from finding each other when searching other users
  • Prevents you and that user from viewing any part of each other's content
  • Prevents you and that user from seeing comments and likes on mutual friends' pages

Keep in mind, Facebook does not control any connections you might have through third-party applications in Facebook or elsewhere on the internet.

To view and edit Block Lists, click on your profile avatar on the top right corner. click Settings & privacy, which will open a new page. Go to Privacy, and then click Blocking. Click edit on Restricted List, Block users, Block messages, Block app invites, Block event invites, Block apps or Block Pages. There, you can either add people to the blocked list by typing in their names or see who you have already blocked. You can unblock them from this menu as well. You can also go to someone's profile and click the three-dot menu and block them there. 

When you create the block for an existing friend, Facebook will ask you to confirm you want to block them. This window will also lay out what a block means and gives suggestions on what other steps you can take, such as unfollowing them. 

While a user block is active, from that user's point of view, you no longer exist on Facebook. In addition, that user doesn't exist from your point of view, either, though you remain in control over the block. You can reverse a block, but you will have to Add Friend if you want to reconnect again. Also, keep in mind that if you unblock someone, you won't be able to block the same user again for 48 hours.

When blocking users, as when hiding content with custom Friends lists, be prepared if someone asks about your actions. If it's someone you're trying to avoid online and don't see in your everyday life, you might want to avoid responding to any retaliating e-mails or contact attempts at other websites. If it's someone that could be a threat offline, especially a physical threat, contact your local law enforcement agency for advice on what to do.

  • Facebook. "Help Center, Friends: New Friends Page." (July 11, 2011) 
  • Facebook. "Help Center, Privacy: Blocking people." (July 11, 2011)