By nature, most human beings are social creatures. Regardless of how extraverted or introverted we may be, we all share information with our friends, family or sometimes even random strangers. We like to tell stories or funny anecdotes, give good advice to others based on previous experiences or just plain rant about something that's bothering us.
The popularity of weblogs, or blogs for short, has skyrocketed around this idea. Web sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, LiveJournal and Blogger all offer users some method of self-expression, whether it's sharing a few thoughts on your day or a set of photographs you're proud of.
Advertisement is one of those sites. Xanga (pronounced ZANG-guh) is a social networking Web site that hosts personal profiles, blog posts and photo sharing. The site is part of the Web 2.0 movement, where users of Xanga have a great deal of control over the content that gets created. On top of being able to post blogs on nearly any topic of their choosing, members have a good deal of independence over what their personal profiles can look like.
There's also an emphasis on online community on Xanga. After a blog entry gets posted, other users have the ability to comment on posts if they feel they have any valuable input. A conversation can start up about nearly anything, from everyday aspects of life like food and health to political debates or commentary on the news. There are different communities for users interested in specific topics, so members can follow posts that grab their attention. People can add their friends or make new ones along the way, and choose to share their thoughts with everyone or just a select few.
So how does Xanga work? How do users post blog entries and set up profiles? Is Xanga free, or does it cost to join? What kind of social networking benefits does the site offer? Keep reading to find out.