Social Networks

Social networks cover every topic imaginable. Understanding which social networks are safe and which ones aren't is an important step.

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While creating online accounts, you're often given the option to sign up via your preexisting social media. But should you be worried about doing this?

By Talon Homer

Need ways to stay in touch with your family and friends while you're quarantined during the coronavirus pandemic? We've got several simple apps so you can reach out virtually.

By Wendy Bowman

Online dating apps are aiding social integration because people are interacting with others to whom they previously had no access.

By Alia Hoyt


Having a tough time breaking up with Facebook? Then at least be sure your private information is secure and protected.

By John Donovan

The popularity of neighborhood social networks keeps exploding. But building community comes with some unintended consequences.

By Dave Roos

Those little pics that people use to represent their feelings or avoid misunderstandings have been around since the 1990s but have been picking up steam in the 21st century. Why's that?

By Nathan Chandler

Do we portray a consistent self across different social media platforms? A new study examines the faces we share.

By Chris Opfer


President Trump is an avid tweeter, and not always the best speller (remember unpresidented?). Can he delete his tweets or are they now public property?

By John Perritano

The caustic tone of the 2016 presidential race is powerfully affecting ordinary social media users. Will that destroy a lot of social media relationships?

By Patrick J. Kiger

Some couples have a shared Facebook account, even though Facebook frowns on the practice. What does it say about their relationship?

By Alia Hoyt

Google has tried to launch social-based products before with limited success. Could Google Plus break the trend and become the next big social network?

By Jonathan Strickland


You can change default Facebook settings to enable or block friends from sharing specific content, such as posts or pictures. Learn how to unhide friends in this article.

By Contributors

Smartphones enable us to interact with the world around us in many different ways. Foursquare turns a night on the town into a great big game with real rewards.

By Jonathan Strickland

How many of you have lost touch with an old school friend? was founded to help people reconnect with one another. But why is the site so restrictive?

By Jonathan Strickland

Social networking sites on the Internet have brought people with all kinds of interests together. Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts hang out on Ravelry. But what can you do on the site?

By Stephanie Crawford


MiGente is a social networking site with a focus on Latino culture in the United States. What services does the site offer that helps people make new friends?

By Stephanie Crawford

Orkut is a social network that's popular in many parts of the world, though it lags behind many others in the United States. How did this Google site get its start?

By Stephanie Crawford

Google Groups has several features that can help you keep in touch with friends, connect with people who have similar interests, and organize projects and presentations.

By Jonathan Atteberry

Hi5 is a social networking site that's based in the United States but more popular in other countries around the world.

By Nathan Chandler


Want to make friends and keep them with you on the go? MocoSpace may be just the social networking site for you. And you don't even have to have a fancy smartphone to use it.

By Stephen Cross

Have you ever thought about designing a cartoon character of yourself? Well, you're not alone. In fact, more than 26 million people have already done just that -- in WeeWorld.

By John Fuller

Xanga is a blogging community -- in fact, it says so right on the site's home page. But does Xanga offer more to users than simply a place to post their daily musings?

By John Fuller

Imagine walking around Zwinktopia's Zwinchester mall with your Zcard in-hand -- loaded with Zbucks. If you don't recognize any of these terms, then you must not be one of Zwinky's more than 16 million users.

By John Fuller


Millions of people are using Internet resources to research their roots. GenForum is one of the many resources available to both budding and seasoned genealogists alike, though unlike many other sites, it depends heavily on its users to function.

By Jonathan Atteberry

Stickam is a social networking site that lets you share broadcasts of yourself with your friends. Some people love it, but not everyone has embraced the Stickam phenomenon.

By Jonathan Strickland