How to Block Other Facebook Users

How to Hide Friends on Facebook

Hiding someone on Facebook is a more subtle way to keep someone's status updates from appearing on your homepage. This might be the step you want to take with that old high school friend who can't seem to stop posting about how successful her business is or that casual acquaintance who shares way too many pictures of his gerbils — or someone you see in real life and don't want to upset.

The "hide" option keeps a friend's posts from showing up on your homepage. Your friend can still see and comment on your posts, send you messages and write on your wall. She will still show up on your friend list, so if you get wind of some important posting you missed, you can click over to her page to read a post or two.


To hide someone:

  1. Hover your mouse over the right side of one of his or her posts — maybe the one with the 43rd picture of Little Johnny getting his first haircut.
  2. Click on the three buttons next to his or her name.
  3. A pulldown menu will appear.
  4. Click on either "Hide this Post" if it's the only one from this person you find offensive or "Snooze for 30 Days" if you need a monthlong break or even "Unfollow" if you don't want any of her posts to appear on your page. (If you unfollow, you won't see any more posts but the two of you still stay friends.)

Later, if you decide you want to enjoy more pictures of your friend's endless vacations or maybe your political views change and you don't mind your friend's rants anymore, you can always bring their posts back to your page:

  1. Go to the homepage of the person you unfollowed.
  2. You'll see a notification under "Posts" that you have unfollowed this person.
  3. Simply click "Undo" next to that notification and they'll be back in your feed.

Want to know more about your options on Facebook? Get some face time with the links below.

Related Articles
  • Facebook Help Center. "Unfriending or Blocking Someone." (July 13, 2021)
  • Whitney, Lance. " How to Hide (or Delete) Your Most Annoying Facebook Friends." PCMag. June 1, 2019 (July 13, 2021)