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How Google Docs Works

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  • Aslett, Matthew. "Google acquires XL2Web, launches Google Spreadsheets." Business Review Online. June 6, 2006.
  • Charman, Suw. "FOWA 07: Jonathan Rochelle - How We Built Google Docs & Spreadsheets." Corante. February 21, 2007. jonathan_rochelle_how_we_built_google_docs_spreadsheets.php
  • Cheng, Jacqui. "Hands-on: Google Docs gets gadgets." Ars technica. March 19, 2008.
  • Cowley, Stacy. "Google Acquires Writely Online Word Processing Service." InformationWeek. March 9, 2006.; jsessionid=02IDACZ4NTW1IQSNDLRSKHSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=1815024 79&_requestid=233068
  • Dekeyser, Stijn and Watson, Richard. "Extending Google Docs to Collaborate on Research Papers." The University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
  • Rochelle, Jonathan and Kotlyar, Leon. Personal interview conducted April 25, 2008.
  • Webb, Bill. "Google D&S." LockerGnome. October 16, 2006.