Computer File Sharing

File sharing is just as it sounds: Allowing access of files and information to others via computers and networks. Take a closer look and learn more about BitTorrent, MP3 files, Napster and others.

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Google Confidential Mode allows users to set a detonation date that makes sent emails disappear.

By Chris Opfer

The cloud removes the need to be tethered to a single device when storing and working with data, but it's not without its pitfalls. Here are five things that could slow down your ability to get at your files -- or cut you off completely.

By Bernadette Johnson

You want your e-mail, streaming video and social media content, and you want it now. And tomorrow, you'll want more. How do data centers handle the ever-increasing demands of our perpetually plugged-in world?

By Bernadette Johnson


It's vast. It's handy. And it's about time you took advantage of it, perhaps even more than you already do during your daily computing adventures.

By William Harris

You may think you got rid of your personal data before you donated your old computer, but how can you be sure without smashing your hard drive? Read on and we'll show you how to wipe a computer.

By Patrick J. Kiger

A service that lets you access your files anywhere, anytime and with any device you like, as long as you're connected to the Internet, sounds good right? After all, this is why we invented the Internet: to get, share and collaborate on information.

By Nicholas Gerbis

You may like to think you're the only one with access to your personal medical records, but you're not. Within the guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, how do healthcare entities protect your data?

By Maria Trimarchi


Are you constantly surprised by overage charges from your smartphone or tablet data provider? Here are some easy ways to check on your overage and put a limit in place.

By Laurie L. Dove

That crazy-looking Web site offering a download of a movie still in the theatre could be providing more than illegal viewing. Viruses and malware could be hidden in the files. What are some other signs that a site might not be legit?

By Becky Striepe

Streaming movies are a convenient way to catch a flick, but some of those online sites can be iffy, particularly if they offer free movies. We'll show you how to tell a legal site from a sketchy one.

By Nathan Chandler & Yara Simón

You can copy songs from any CD, or an entire CD to your computer, using Windows Media Player. Learn how to rip a CD using Windows Media Player in this article.

By Contributors


File sharing is a controversial and, in many cases, illegal pastime. Sites that track BitTorrent files are already magnets for scrutiny. But with a name like The Pirate Bay, you know the site will get extra attention.

By Stephanie Crawford

LimeWire is a peer-to-peer file sharing system that features music and other media downloads shared between users. Learn about LimeWire in this article.

By Dave Roos

The digital revolution that has empowered consumers to use digital media in new and innovative ways has also made it nearly impossible for copyright holders to control the distribution of their property. Enter "digital rights management," or DRM.

By Julia Layton

Instead of downloading a file in its entirety, BitTorrent gathers pieces of the file you want and transfers them simultaneously from other sources. How does it put the pieces back together?

By Carmen Carmack


With unlimited file sharing comes the big question: Should users be granted unrestricted -- and free -- access to copyrighted movies, music and games? Find out how Kazaa has weathered the legal storm so far.

By Stephanie Watson

File-sharing allow millions of people to freely trade MP3 and video files on the Internet. Is it legal? How are the files exchanged? Is there a central database? Find out how the file-sharing structure works and see why it makes it difficult for record labels to sue.

By Marshall Brain

As a file-sharing program, Aimster is generally more secure because users have complete control over their files. This AOL program can also hook up with your IM friends.

Compression programs can eliminate 50 to 95 percent of file size in seconds, but when you open the file, the data is still there! Learn how to compress files!

By Tom Harris


While the original Napster got sued out of business, dozens of free file-sharing utilities have popped up to take its place. Find out how the old Napster worked and why it was vulnerable to legal attacks.

By Jeff Tyson

If you want to play MP3 files in your car and your car has a CD player in it, or if you want to play them on your home stereo, then what you need to do is move your MP3 files onto a CD. Here's how.

Get a refresher on the original Napster and why it caused such a storm about intellectual property laws.

CDs took care of storing music digitally, then MP3 files took it to the next level, compressing audio data down to a manageable file size -- without losing sound quality! Learn about the miracle of MP3.

By Marshall Brain