Tablet PCs

Tablet PCs are quickly becoming popular computing devices. Take a look at different types of tablets and get tips and information on how to use them.

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Amazon has released several Kindle models, but the Paperwhite is designed to completely change the e-reader experience. How well does it succeed, and are any challengers stepping up to the plate?

By Bernadette Johnson

Amazon's Kindle Fire is more than just an e-book reader. In fact, the device became the best-selling Android tablet on the market not long after its introduction. What sets this inexpensive tablet apart?

By Jonathan Strickland

Amazon's Kindle Fire and the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet are both inexpensive, and offer a wealth of content options for customers. Although they're very similar, each has subtle advantages. Which would you choose?

By Jonathan Strickland


With their budget-friendly offerings, Nextbook tablets are another player in the tablet PC game. We'll check out their specs and features and show you how they compare to other low-priced tablets on the market.

By Nathan Chandler

A MID is a small, highly portable gadget that allows us to get on the Web to check e-mail, update our social networking sites of choice, play games and locate ourselves on a map, among many other things. But what devices can be considered MIDs?

By Bernadette Johnson

Wacom tablets aren't your average tablet PCS. They're pen tablets that allow artistic professionals and hobbyists alike to capture their art in a digital fashion.

By Kate Kershner

Microsoft released its first tablet long before the iPad came out, but the success of Apple's device showed Redmond it was time to try something new. Then in June 2012, the company announced Surface.

By Jonathan Strickland


It can be difficult to determine which iPad best meets your needs. Do you need the added features that make the iPad 2 different -- and more expensive -- than the original, or are you better off saving your money and going with the first version?

By Matt Cunningham

Casual games are meant to be played for just a few minutes, but some are so addictive you end up playing for hours.

By Wesley Fenlon

With few built-in controls except for a flat touch-screen interface, tablet computers are attractive, highly portable, easy to use and just plain cool. But how do you decide which one is right for you?

By Christopher Lampton

Tablets are designed to appeal to people who will take them everywhere and load them up with apps that promise to deliver convenience. Here's a list of apps that could make your life a lot less complex.

By Cherise Threewitt


Google's Android operating system powers millions of smartphones around the world. Now you can buy Android-based tablet computers, too. What sets them apart from the competition?

By Jonathan Strickland

The Samsung Galaxy Tablet is giving Apple's iPad a run for its money, but could Apple end up stopping the Galaxy's momentum in its tracks?

By Ed Grabianowski

If you want the hottest new device in the tech world, consider upgrading to a tablet. And once you have one, you'll need accessories. Find out which ones can make your computing life a little easier.

By Patrick E. George

Feeling unproductive? Not to worry; these iPad apps can help you plan your day, track your finances, fine-tune your fitness routine, and save time and money during your shopping trips.

By Meghan E. Smith


Children take to iPads in much the same way they do to building blocks, dolls and trucks. Capitalize on that affinity by downloading these 10 apps to help teach your child to read.

By Sarah Winkler

Amazing apps can take kids to the moon, let them play with dinosaurs and give them a look inside their bodies.

By Michael Franco

Organizing your home is never easy, but there are ways to simplify the process. Until they invent technology that will actually do the work for you, these apps will help you get everything done.

By Natalie Kilgore

Tablet computer sales are taking a bite out of other PCs but it took years before tablets became a hit with consumers. What makes them special?

By Jonathan Strickland


In September 2010, Research in Motion announced the BlackBerry Playbook. The BlackBerry brand has a strong foothold with corporate customers, but can the Playbook outsell Apple's iPad?

By Jonathan Strickland

You'd like to learn how to change your iPad's wallpaper, perhaps to an image you grab off the Web. Read here to find out how to change your iPad wallpaper and grab images from the Web.

By Contributors

The iPad can store pictures, videos and music files. Learn how you can transfer pictures to your iPad in this article.

By Contributors